This IP Subnet calculator tool will make your subnetting life easier no matter if you are a CCNA student or experienced network engineer.
Enter your IPv4 or IPv6 address and subnet mask in regular decimal format or CIDR notation:
IPv4 address:, Netmask quad-dotted notation:
IPv4 address:, CIDR notation:/24
IPv6 address:2001:db8::, Netmask:/64
You can use the online tool to calculate prefixes for IPv4 and IPv6 networks based on the IP address and netmask. The Subnet calculator will produce a table with the network and broadcast addresses, netmask, CIDR, wildcard mask, number of addresses in the prefix, first / last host, and address types (Global / Private, Unicast / Multicast, IPv6 link local, and more). For students who practice subnetting, we added the binary representation of the prefix to the IP calculator. This IP calculator tool is designed to be mobile friendly, so feel free to bookmark it and use it from any device.